Behavioral Dog Training
for Anxiety and
Online Classes
Alyssa Rose
Alyssa Rose specializes in working with dogs that exhibit anxious, reactive, hyperactive or aggressive behavior. Her training is designed to help dogs better regulate stress and arousal that may otherwise generate challenging behaviors in the home or on walks.
Alyssa’s behavioral classes breaks the training down into easy to follow steps that will build your dog’s focus, confidence and attention. You will also learn simple and effective methods of practicing the training in real world situations to make the most progress. All the classes are taught online, which means that you will have the ability to watch the lessons at a time that is most conducive to your schedule, and practice the training in your home and on walks where the training is most needed.
How effective are online classes?

Each week you will have 1-2 exercises that you can practice for 10 minutes once or twice each day. This allows you and your dog to become fluent with each new skill and sets the stage for success as we build on the training.

Having a dog with behavior challenges can be very isolating. These classes give you the opportunity to connect with others that have similar behavioral concerns and to hear their questions. It also enables you to support one and other through frustrations and celebrate successes. Some of the best learning happens when we have others to learn with.

Review Training.
In-person training or group classes may leave you thinking “how did the trainer do that again?” “Or why was this important?” Alyssa’s training demonstrations and discussions can be paused and rewound to review exercises and concepts as needed. This flexibility also allows all family members to partake in training, even if schedules don’t always line up.